#1. While not everyone has a smartphone with internet access, 5 billion people in the world can send and receive SMS messages.
Importance: This text messaging statistic has been a useful strategy for brands like Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile which have offered access to fast signals in areas of the United States of America where there was no internet, such as remote mountainous areas of Virginia and North Dakota.
If you’re going camping, it’s likely you’re not going to find Wi-Fi, but you’ll definitely be able to text to stay connected with your loved ones..
#2. At least 97% of smartphone owners text regularly
With all the modernization taken into consideration, there are still days with unstable connections to the internet and it’s not the source we can fully rely on; sometimes mobile data also falls through and that’s where text messages come into the picture.
#3. Text messages have a 209% higher response rate than calls, email, or Facebook
Explanation: Emails and Facebook are the ones that rely strictly on the notification received and internet connection being stable; for text messages, your sim only needs to be in place. In the world today text messages are don in case of emergencies hence people do respond
#4. 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes
Explanation: This is a powerful text messaging statistic and an important feature for your marketing strategy. Businesses such as dominos send their customers text messages to remind them of Wacky Wednesday and Holy Friday deals (which differs from country to country). Every Friday before 12, the message arrives and at the same time, the deal starts. Every week, the brand gets a great response which just goes to show how you can take advantage of the immediacy of text messages.
#5. SMS marketing grew by 92% for B2Cs and 197% for B2Bs from 2015 to 2017.
SMS marketers attach required links to help order and give an attractive statement in the text so people are encouraged to open the website given
#6. 59% of people say that a promotional SMS has led them to visit a store or go online to check out a brand.
A one-liner SMS telling about all the discounts that you can avail and telling you that it’s your last chance to buy, is what keeps you interested. Many big companies such as Aldo, splash, pizza hut, mango etc. send messages related to the geographical area one resides in. for example:
#7. Americans spend 2X more time texting than emailing on their phones
Explanation: as the culture normalizes, email remains restricted to business forums. Most people just use it to send in documents, requests on a professional platform whereas text messages are a casual thing. Friends exchange texts to have a relaxed conversation, businessmen text each other to ask daily routine questions or questions at hand or in state of emergency and so on. It’s a multipurpose platform that not only business people use.
#8. Globally, the amount of people who send and receive text messages is predicted to rise to 5.9 billion by 202
Explanation: the growing trend of text messages, as proven in this text messaging statistic, is very effective not only for normal lives but also for businesses. With modernization in place and applications being created for such e-commerce and retail industries, people never forget to invest in text advertising and there has been no downfall in such an industry.
#9. 47% of text marketing recipients go on to make a purchase
According to Textedly, approximately half the population getting your text is making a purchase which is the kind of function you need in your business. The more it reaches the customer the more it is bought and the other half is always done by the word of mouth or advertising on cheaper platforms such as social media.
#10. Mobile Marketing Watch reports that 75% of all Millennials would rather communicate via text about appointments, deliveries, coupons and other business dealings
This text messaging statistic proves that millennials feel pretty comfortable using a simple text messaging app rather than going through the hassle of opening different applications for different purposes. Businesses have rather been successful in converging a message and presenting every coupon and promotion In the simplest way possible. An example would be:
With making it an attractive offer and giving a positive reinforcement of winning $25, the company also managed to give a direction to the website too.
#11. Over half of customers said they would be likely to text with a customer support agent
Similarly, 52 percent would prefer texting customer support over their current preferred form of communication. (eWeek). Many applications include complicated features such as automated chatbots which lead customers nowhere rather than thanking them for messaging and asking them to wait hence text message is a manual chatbot.
#12. 20% of financial services companies use mobile messaging to ensure business continuity and add to their multichannel capabilities
Consistency is the main key to develop a brand image and this text messaging statistic show how companies keep it alive in customers’ mind and heart because with information, an emotion towards a brand is very important such as home ware made an effort to add a concern before offering their decorating services to show that they actually care about how the customer feels about their coffee table.
#13. 64% of all consumers are likely to have a positive perception of a company that offers texting as a service channel (Harris Poll).
Brands that send text messages to remind you of a sale that you might have missed or any exclusive offer that will benefit you is the brand that is remembered throughout. The basic aim of a marketer is to build trust of a customer and this is the basic way they do that as the message seems to be from a company number which usually does not have a reply back service.
#14. Despite statistics on mobile’s rise, 65% of brands still don’t have a formal strategy in place for bulk SMS messaging to take advantage of the amount of time we spend on our phones (Slicktext)
Bulk messages have always been reinforcing to the customers that the brand exists and as psychology suggests, when reminded about one thing it stays somewhere in our subconscious mind and we remember it as the product category similar to that is mentioned. Big brands such as McDonald’s chili’s etc. are well established brands but never miss out a chance to inform their customers how they can be of a perfect service
Chili’s is a brand in Texas and it schedules its text messages every four days of the week.
#15. 88% of smartphone users primarily use their devices for texting (Textedly)
As this text messaging statistic is taken in examination it indicates that other applications are less used than the text messages which gives marketers a view and way open to reach the customers. It also highly depends what the target audience is such as Millennials are a generation of more text messages than generation Z who have been moving to social media and digital marketing more
#16. 85% of consumers prefer receiving text messages over a phone call or email (textedly)
As sociology in the modern world is a priority people have been noticed to communicate more over texts rather than a phone which could have many approaches as to why this is happening. Call center jobs have been reduced due to such reasons as customers are seen to be avoiding such distractions throughout the day and many leading companies give space to their customers by sending them a text so there is not an obligation to start the conversation but to make a purchase if they feel like.
#17. 74% of consumers prefer to talk to a real person over a chatbot. Millennials are twice as likely as Gen X’ers to reply to an unknown sender’s text message (Snapdesk)
The queries have been given yet a lot of importance in the marketing industry and as the concept of feedback is growing people need a responsive platform where they can stay in contact with the representative to ask and inform any problem that the have been facing.
This picture is a depiction of how text messages engage the customers and help them solve the relevant problem.
#18. American teenagers send and receive 2,010 text messages per month, on average (Pew Research Center, Text Requests)
Messaging is an application within your phone that never gets old or gets too old or even replaced by a better substitute. Text messages are best for emergency and independent of any LAN or Wireless networks. With technological development there are many augmented products that support the eased services where text messages need less of such complexities.
#19. Sending 3 or more follow-up text messages to prospects increases conversions by as much as 328% (Leads360, Crazy Egg)
When customers get to know that you care for them and take a follow up is the time where they actually affiliate themselves with you and as a result a loyalty is built. Word of mouth and loyalty are essential for a company to prosper and this method promotes the concepts as people the element of perishability is eliminated from the service of the purchase and in pre and post purchase.
#20. Messaging is the number 1 reported use of smartphones (Axway, MarketingCharts)
This fact is the one where the reader would go back to read again as if he/she has read the line wrong. Smartphones are the ones with tons of applications and chat platforms which are free to use and have many added features such as sending voicemails, adding pictures, sending locations or even attaching a contact number so easily so why do people pick traditional methods? That much be dependent on the opening rate as mentioned before is the highest for text messaging. For example when Aldo has to message clients and tell them that there’s a 50% off due to black Friday which lasts a day. There’s a chance that people might not open an email where Friday is not a business day or it might be moved to junk or promotions or here is a service problem so someone’s whatsapp isn’t working hence at that time Aldo will use text messaging to inform its loyal customers so they can avail the offer
#21. The number of texts sent each day in America has grown by 216% since 2010.
It’s the same growth rate for texts sent each week, month, and year. (Statistic Brain Research Institute). The accelerating rate of the concept of text messages is an indication how it is succeeding with the curve not being horizontal which sees a bright future of sms advertising too. With the mobile and smartphone industry being such a competitive market and brands and applications integrating and compelling each other this application created by software engineers is somewhat a masterpiece that is used no matter what and where you exist.
This graph explains the concept of the growing nature of SMS throughout the world.
#22. 73% of marketers expect their SMS marketing budget to increase
As something turns into a trend, its demand increases with time. Due to this, the price remains elastic; it also increases when marketers watch consumers being reliant on such activities and as more networks integrate world wide the competitive analysis sees the successful businesses investing more in such advertising techniques. SMS advertising is not a very convenient and cheap form of advertising but the return on investment is what matters and in this case and by the facts it is clear how advertising and marketing in form of SMS convert to increased sales and loyalty hence the dollar value of such form can be determined by calculate the average increase in sales of a company who has recently started SMS advertising.