MMS Meaning

As MMS has been around since as early as 2002, most of us are aware of this service and have even extensively used it.

MMS, which stands for Multimedia Messaging Service, refers to a standard way of exchanging messages which include multimedia content over a cellular network.

But beyond its definition and primary use, are you aware of its multifaceted applications? Do you fully grasp the extent of its power and not just the MMS meaning?

Before that, let’s first explore the MMS meaning and how exactly an MMS is used.

MMS Overview

Multimedia Messaging Service brings the ability to send and receive messages which have a combination of various media. These can be texts, sounds, images, and videos.

MMS was the first mobile messaging service that adopted the open Internet standards for messaging. It uses the Internet Protocol (IP)/Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and employs Hypertext Transmission Protocol (HTTP).

The introduction of the MMS was nothing short of revolutionary. The basic facility that SMS used to provide was completely transformed.

However, the difference between  SMS and MMS texting isn’t simply textual vs pictorial message. No, MMS meaning is much more than just multimedia sent over the phone.

Here are the two main ways these messaging services differ.

  • Space

SMS messages have limited space whereas MMS messages are virtually limitless.

SMS messages allow only 160 characters. If an SMS goes above the 160 character limit, some wireless carriers automatically split the messages into successive parts and send them in order, while other carriers might just convert it into an MMS.

An MMS, on the other hand, comes with unlimited space to add text or/and any form(s) of multimedia to your message. Some carriers still impose limits on MMS messages to ensure fast and reliable communication, but such limits are still far greater than those on an SMS.

  • Media

While an SMS is plain text and can only provide links to multimedia, an MMS has multimedia embedded into it. This means that the users can view the media – audios, videos, pictures, gifs – within the message without opening any link.

Today, MMS messages have been sent to exchange a wide variety of rich media: photographs, videos, invitations, cards, autographs, letters, screensavers, and songs, etc.

Applications of MMS in Marketing

Why send a plain old boring SMS when you can interact in an animated way with your customers through an MMS?

An image might be worth a thousand words but how can your business cash in on that worth?

In this fast age, you are more likely to get your message across effectively in multimedia form than with texts most people would ignore.

Just think about it yourself: Would you be tempted to order pizza if an eatery sends you a dry text about its offer or if the offer comes on an image of a cheesy, mouthwatering pizza?

With the cutthroat competition in virtually every industry today, you need to up your game any way you can. And just the simple switch from SMS to MMS messages for marketing can be the change you need.

Since 98% of mobile devices are compatible with MMS and how users are 8 times more likely to share MMS content than that of SMS, there isn’t any solid reason to not employ MMS in your business marketing.

And if you still need more convincing to let go of SMS marketing and shift to MMS, this is it: humans are more likely to retain information when paired with visuals. Only 10% of information with mere text is retained after 3 days whereas if it’s paired with an image, 65% of it is retained after 3 days.

If you sign up for Express Text, you will be able to fully comprehend the MMS meaning and how effectively it can enhance your business marketing.

For now, here are a few creative uses of MMS by which you can grab the recipient’s attention instantly.


Contests are a surefire way to engage your customers because who doesn’t want a shot at winning?

This can be done by using a dedicated number and prompting users via MMS messages to send images to that number.

However, ensure that you are making the guidelines very clear to the users and the prize is well worth their effort of sending the MMS message(s).

Along with this, put a deadline to create a sense of urgency so that your customers feel motivated to immediately join in and try their luck.

Lastly, don’t forget to use high-quality graphics in the MMS because people are often skeptical about messages regarding contests and games.

Promotions and Offers

Try to engage your customers as often as you can with promotions, offers, vouchers, and coupons because no one says no to these.

Many brands have tried their hands at MMS marketing by sending promotional offers to their customers and some completely killed it.

The popular plus-size women’s clothing line Avenue ran a retail mobile marketing campaign where customers were sent coupons and promotional content weekly through MMS.

The results were remarkable. Avenue generated a 6,600% ROI, the campaign had an open rate of 97%, and the subscriber database grew almost 30% each month.

Now isn’t that one way to make the most out of MMS?

Although the MMS should be succinct and grab the customer’s attention immediately, it should also lay out the terms and conditions clearly and urge the reader to act upon the offer.

Personalized Messages

Sending personalized messages through MMS is an excellent way to enhance your brand loyalty and establish a rapport with your customers that goes beyond strictly business terms.

Such messages show your customers that they are more than just money-making machines for you. And while this might not seem like a big deal to many businesses, just trying to establish a slightly personal relationship with your clientele can go a long way in terms of revenue.

One dazzling example of this is the famous MMS marketing campaign conducted by BMW in 2008.

The luxury vehicles company sent personalized MMS messages to its customers. These messages were customized according to the recipient’s vehicles and gave suggestions regarding buying the right winter tire.

The campaign was costly; BMW spent $60,000 on it! But the revenue generated from this campaign was $45 million.

T-Mobile, a mobile telecommunication company, also tried something similar and sent personalized MMS to users where their names were inserted at the start of a video. The result was improved brand loyalty.

Moreover, with the majority of the businesses sending messages to customers one way or another, users often do not even bother reading the messages from various brands. But just the addition of their name or specific details related to them can urge them to pay attention to your MMS.

Instructions through Videos

This is one field where MMS completely beats SMS. Instructions simply cannot be explained as clearly through text as they can be shown in detail in videos.

As a matter of fact, 80% of customers think that a video showing how a certain product or service works is necessary.

And it’s not just videos explaining the use of a product. No, almost any kind of video about a product or service works as long as it’s interesting enough.

Because 4 times as many customers prefer watching a video about a product than reading text on it.

And sure, you might have many videos detailing your brand and what it offers on your social media and website, but with over 50% video plays coming from mobile devices, why wouldn’t you send MMS messages with videos to your customers as well?

Also, there aren’t very many businesses employing MMS to send videos regarding their products, even if it’s not a novel idea at all. So you have the chance to be that one fascinating MMS in limitless, boring SMS messages promoting products and services.


With users more likely to retain visual information than written information, you can try sharing important news and announcements via MMS. This will ensure that the customer doesn’t forget about the announcement as soon as reading it completely.

For instance, an SMS about an upcoming sale at your store might be forgotten about in a day or two. But an image with products or services which will be available on the sale will likely be remembered by the customer at least until the sale arrives.

Similarly, other important announcements can easily and effectively be shared with the customers with somewhat surety that they will be remembered.

For example, tell your customers about the new location your outlet has shifted to by including a Google map image of the place. Or simply with a picture of a prominent landmark near it so they can easily find your new store.

Reminders for Shopping Carts

Has it ever happened to you that you wanted to buy an item but forgot about it, and then you saw it again later and the desire to have it lit up again?

Because this is essentially what many marketing strategies pertaining to retargeting customers are all about.

Statistics reveal that 69.89% of all shopping carts are abandoned. In 2017, out of the $9 trillion added to shopping carts, only $2.29 trillion was purchased.

Oftentimes the reason why a customer abandons their shopping cart or doesn’t come back to their wishlist isn’t a lack of interest in the product or service. And trust me, a customer is probably sadder than the brand to abandon their shopping cart.

Bottom line: many customers are leaving without buying what they want and you need to bring them back.

So why not send them a friendly reminder with an image of an object from their cart to tempt them back to checkout?

Here are a few important points to consider when sending a reminder MMS for an abandoned shopping cart.

  • Attach an image or GIF pertaining to the customer’s shopping cart.
  • Start the message with the name of your brand to let the customer know who exactly is sending the MMS.
  • Make the message more reliable and personalized by adding the customer’s name.
  • Try offering a discount if possible to persuade the customer to complete the checkout. If a discount is given, be sure to include its code.
  • Add a link to your website or, more preferably, the shopping cart to prompt the user to act.

And yes, we understand that an SMS can also get this job done. But, perhaps not.

Because an SMS doesn’t come with the image of the one thing the customer wanted to buy but couldn’t and probably still wants. Nothing to show them what they’re missing out on than the very picture of the object in question.

It is applications like these which truly capture the MMS meaning and power.

Animated Cards

No one wants to receive dreary, standard electronic direct mail for holidays, so why not make greetings more festive and lively? You should be sending animated cards and greetings instead.

This is beneficial because customers are much more likely to open such messages and even respond to them when they have a plethora of textual greetings. Also, they’re just so much fun.

I mean, wouldn’t this cheer you up more than just a ‘Happy Holidays’?

Another advantage of sending animated cards through MMS is that they get stored on the customer’s phone. This way, if you have sent, for instance, a business card, your details will be saved on the recipient’s phone.

Tips for Sending an MMS

To make the most efficient use of this service, you should employ certain tips to ensure your target hits its mark each time and you offer enhanced user experience.

  • The layout of the image should ideally be vertical. This is because most mobile devices have a vertical display and this makes the visuals easier to perceive.
  • For images, use JPEG format and for videos, use GIF format. These formats compress the data to enable faster and easier transmission.
  • The resolution of the image should be at least 72 pixels to clearly display its visuals.
  • Be mindful of the dimensions and sizes of the images, audios, and videos you send.


MMS meaning and its application are an important tool in communication because it is simple, direct, and engaging. Thus, marketing through MMS also achieves benefits that mere text messages simply cannot.

Look for the best text messaging service to get yourself started. 
