Mass message: Tips when sending text messages to your customers

mass message

A Mass Message can help businesses achieve successful results in a timely manner. So, here are some tips and benefits to keep in mind when sending a mass text message blast for your business.


Send a text message to hundreds or thousands of customers 

A mess message is best used for sending a text message to a large group of customers. If you want to send a discount coupon to your VIPs, sending a text blast is the way to go. This will save you time and money, especially if you are operating around a limited amount of text messages you can send per month.


Give customers what they want

SMS is the easiest and fastest way to give what your customers want. Discount coupons? Invitation to events? Book appointments? Confirm reservations?

Customers opt-in to your SMS campaign for a reason – to receive exclusive deals and updates. Or, in some cases, just to have a single point of contact to reach you fast. Find out which text messages engage the highest number of customers by running a data analysis or a survey.


Add a call to action in your text message

Encourage your customers to click through an external link or engage with your brand with a powerful click-to-action phrase.

Not telling them what to do after reading your text message is a missed opportunity to make conversions. Do not forget to include URLs in your SMS whenever necessary to promote your other websites, especially sales pages.

Having these tips when sending a mass message for small businesses is important to make SMS marketing work to your advantage. If used correctly, SMS can help you achieve higher ROI as you keep your customers engaged in the most affordable way possible.
