Marketing Tips – Top 4 ideas you can start using today

marketing tips

Marketing Tips

For many, the idea of building up a business is a dream. A dream that requires hard work, vision, strength, and determination to bring it to fruition. What it also needs is an ironclad marketing plan so that its presence is felt in an ever-competitive landscape of businesses. In the modern world of today, marketing has taken on many faces, all of which are far-reaching and effective in launching businesses from the ground. This article contains various marketing tips that aid businesses in making an effective mark in the world.

Social Media Marketing 

The first of our marketing tips is the use of social media. Social media is so much more than simple likes and shares. It is an effective, cost-effective and simple way to reach out to an audience on a large scale, as well as a platform to position your brand. Being one of the biggest mediums for 21stcentury customer service, it can be used for niche marketing strategies, for example, influencer marketing. Using platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can help achieve goals such as raising brand awareness, creating a brand identity, and improving communication and interaction with key audiences. It can also enhance sales through efficient social media targeting via the use of specific keywords. Also, utilizing user-generated content pushes customer advocacy, which in turn helps with marketing efforts.

Email Marketing 

The second marketing tip is the use of email marketing. One of the key things to do is to build a subscriber list, which should never stop expanding – this can be done through including a signup feature on your website. Furthermore, emails should encourage readers to reply. These are a way to create meaningful communication and enhance interest in the business. Emails should always have an irresistible subject line, have an entertaining tone and have targeted content so that they engage with the person they are being sent to. Moreover, ensure that emails are mobile friendly so that people can easily access these. 66% of email opens take place on phones or tablets. If emails aren’t suited to these, they may go unread.

SMS Marketing 

A third marketing tip is the use of text messages. SMS marketing is the most widespread mass marketing tool. Statistics state that for 18-24-year olds, it surpasses emails and 97% of Americans send or receive at the least one text per week. Furthermore, texts have a 98% open rate and a 40% higher conversion rate than customers who do not receive marketing texts. It is essential to be clear, brief and to include a call to action so that customers know what is expected of them. CTA’s include URLs and phone numbers. Above all, texts should be engaging and creative so that they stand out. Texts can be used for promotions, deals, limited time offers and introducing new products.

Google PPC

The last of today’s marketing tips is the use of PPC, which is utilized by many businesses for promotion. This method is effective and aids in meeting goals quickly PPC creates a bigger, wider presence on the World Wide Web, which is beneficial for various businesses and brings in an influx of customers.
