Club Marketing

club marketing image

Marketing is very important for any business to succeed. With time, it has become one of the key determinants for any business to gain customers. Club marketing also helps a club to become successful and increase its customers with the right techniques and strategies. Marketing through text messages, emails, social media platforms, hyperlinks, and radio broadcasting helps a club to attract both old and new customers. It is how efficient a club tends to use these techniques that make a difference. 

Mass Text Messaging

Mass text messaging is one of the best ways to market any business. Text messages have an opening rate of 98% within the time span of 3 minutes. This has made it one of the best communication methods for clubs and other businesses over time. Customers can be contacted easily and within seconds through text messaging. The messages are sent as a mass text which reaches out to a large number of opted in people in seconds. A text can be sent to the entire contact list of the club to inform them about an event taking place or about a promotion initiated by the club.  

For small clubs that are new to the business, this is the most effective marketing strategy, since it is cost effective yet targets a lot of customers in no time. A club can send a text to its customers for Christmas holidays wishing them a Merry Christmas and offering a special discount to its customers on Christmas.  

How Do You Send Mass Text Messaging? 

The first thing to do for any club is to register itself with a text messaging service provider such as Express Text. After signing up for the services, a club can upload its contact list with the service provider to be able to send mass text messages to the contacts. They are short text messages sent to a bunch of people to get their attention and promote the club. Such text messages are the perfect way to keep customers updated about upcoming events at the club or about new services introduced at the club. For sudden situations, mass text messages are the most convenient way to inform customers. If a club has to remain shut for a day due to some emergency reasons, it can send a text blast to its contact list through the service to inform them on time. By keeping track of all customers at the club, the management can check which customers did not come for a few days and send them a text message. The message sent to these customers can be personalized by addressing them by their name and offering them a discount whenever they visit the club.  


Email has managed to reach out to millions through the internet. As compared to text messages, Emails can also promote and market a club. The important part of sending Email is to send them regularly within short time spans so customers receive the Email after some time. Emails are best to attract customers through promotions. If a club is about to host a music gig throughout the weekend, it can send an email to all its customers and inform them where they can get tickets from. If there are certainly old and regular customers, customized Emails can be sent to them to invite them for the gig without the need for tickets. Customers want to feel special and marketing your club through Email can give them that feeling by simply sending them customized Emails.  

Radio Broadcasts

Radio has been an effective mode of communication for people for a very long time. Even though many consider it an old fashioned method, 93% of Americans aged 12 and above still tune in to the radio at least once in a week. Morning and evening shows on radios are the perfect way for a club to market themselves. After paying for radio advertisements or sponsoring a show on the radio, a club can market itself among people who tune in anytime. To attract customers who listen to the radio, a club can ask for special announcements on the most popular show or give special discounts and giveaways to people who send in a text message for the club. Club marketing is used to gain attention from people through various methods and radio advertisements and announcements are a way of doing so.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an increasingly convenient platform for businesses as well as clubs to market themselves easily. Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have gained popularity among people, both young and old. There are minimal costs attached to such marketing ideas. A club posting its adverts on Facebook, to promote itself will only have to spend $20. Even though text messaging is a cheaper option, social media marketing gives a more vibrant perspective of the club showing people that it is tech-savvy and updated.

Hootsuite and Social Media Marketing

It can be difficult for most clubs to keep an eye on their social media pages which is why there are social media management companies such as Hootsuite than can manage the social media pages of a club and keep customers updated at all times. Hootsuite’s main purpose is to keep a business’s social media page active through scheduled posts, management and reporting of social media content of a page. A club can sign up for Hootsuite’s services to make sure that its content reaches the public on time and attracts customers without any hassle. Hootsuite allows a company to manage all of its social media accounts through it, which makes it easy for it to post its content across various social media pages. If a club wants to post regularly for an event taking place, it can schedule its post through Hootsuite which can then be posted right on time to keep all customers and followers updated.

Flyers and Posters

Even though posters and flyers are a common and old method for any club to market itself, they have an impact on people. To attract attention, flyers and posters should be vibrant and creative. Colorful and unique flyers can help by promoting a club around town. However, with technology and the internet making the marketing world a fast-paced one, the concept of using QR codes on flyers can be interesting. By printing QR codes on flyers, a club can attract customers by offering a special discount to those who can scan the QR code through phones. These posters can be handed out to people by the club’s team or can be pasted around town for people to see and avail of these offers while passing by. When handing out flyers, the team can also interact with people directly and make a good impact on them so they visit the club because of the hospitable services it can offer. 

Bitly and Link Management

With customers looking for newer and better experiences, it is optimal for a club to choose a link management platform. With the help of such platforms, a club can brand its link and optimize it for a unique, yet easy experience for customers. When using social media pages and applications, a club simply posts its content and lets the platform decide how customers will interact with it. These interactions can be inconsistent and unreliable at times which is why Bitly has the right solution for such clubs to improve customer engagement. Link management allows a club to choose customer engagement at its wanted time. With link management, it is possible to see what a customer searches for through links and using this data a club can find out what customers are interested in. After this, links can be created that can drive the customer to the right place, and at the right time. If a club wants to know what people are interested in when it comes to searching for clubs, it will use Bitly to access these data points and find out what people are most interested in clubs that allow exclusive events and activities. Using this, it can engage people through links while marketing itself to those who are looking for the things it has. 


When looking at club marketing, it is necessary to look at the various methods of promoting a club. Mass text messaging and Emails have become a very popular method to reach active customers. However, when looking at other marketing techniques, social media marketing with the help of management companies like Hootsuite, it is much more convenient to post content on social media pages. For clubs that are new and want to stand out, it is better to start off with a cheaper method of marketing, that is the text and Email. None the less, social media activity of a club is highly necessary since it is one of the best ways to have direct interaction with customers without any complications. Bitly gives a unique and different experience by managing links that can drive customers to the club without going through any hassle.
